Lifting Straps (Pair)


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The DARK KNIGHT lifting straps from Onyx are a handmade quality product made of oil-based leather with a matte finish for a better grip. They feel extremely smooth and comfortable in your hands and are suitable for athletes moving light to heavy loads! The loop design also ensures that the straps can be put on and taken off quickly between tests.

They come in 559 mm (22 inches), with the ends sewn together. They are 31,75 mm (1.25 inches) in width, made to accommodate the large and smaller wrist athletes.

Handmade in Los Angeles and in Europe EXCLUSIVELY available from Weightlifting Shop!

Product Details:

  • Loop-Design
  • Fabric: Leather
  • Length: 559 mm (22″)
  • Width: 31,75 mm (1.25″)
  • Thickness: 5-6 oz. (0,2 – 0,24 mm) (0,2 – 0,24 mm)
  • Sold in pairs


Genuine leather requires care to protect it from sweat, chalk and the harsh mechanical effects of training.

It is recommended to rub the straps with a dry cloth and 2-3 drops of Onyx oil at an interval of approx. 2 months.

We ship on business days from Monday – Friday. We do not ship on weekends and public holidays. Orders received over the weekend or on a holiday will be processed the following business day.

If there is an increased order volume due to promotional days, processing after a weekend or holiday may take up to 3 business days.


DE 2-7 business days
Europe 3-10 business days
All other countries 5-18 business days

*The delivery times indicated here refer to the time until the shipment arrives in the destination country. The duration of customs clearance is not included in this period and may take some time depending on the destination country. Neither our shipping service providers nor we can influence how long your shipment will be in customs. Under certain circumstances, it can take up to several weeks until the package finally arrives at your home.

One or more items do not fit or you do not like it anymore? You ordered the wrong item by mistake and now you want to return it?

However, if something does not fit 100%, you can return the goods to us in their original condition within 14* days. We will either refund the money or exchange the goods.

Please note that we can NOT cover return shipping costs.
In the event of an exchange, you will bear the return shipping costs, and we will pay for shipping of the exchange item(s).

*In the run-up to Christmas (01.12. – 31.12.) the return period is extended and is 30 days.


Welche Onyx Zughilfe passt am besten zu dir?

Zughilfen sind in unterschiedlichen Stoffen, Größen und Ausführungen erhältlich.
Zughilfen aus Leder sind die bequemste Option, da sie Scheuerstellen und Schwielen am Handgelenk vermeiden, wie sie bei anderen Materialien auftreten können. Ein weiterer Vorteil von Lederriemen ist ihre Haltbarkeit, denn sie halten mehrere Jahre. Zwar dehnt sich das Leder bei Gebrauch leicht aus, aber es wird nicht wie andere Stoffe durch die Rändelung der Hantel ausfransen. Riemen aus Baumwolle oder anderen nicht-leder Stoffen können nach 6 bis 12 Monaten bereits hinüber sein.

ONYX STOFF- Zughilfen

Auch wenn die Vorteile von Leder bei Zughilfen überwiegen bietet Onyx auch eine Stoffvariante an.  Gerade für Veganer eine echte Alternative zu Lederriemen. Onyx setzt nicht wie die meisten Hersteller auf Baumwolle, sondern fertigt seine HEMP Straps aus Hanfgewebe. Warum? Weil es dreimal widerstandsfähiger ist als Baumwolle und noch dazu von Natur aus antimikrobiell wirkt.

ONYX LEDER-Zughilfen

Bei den Zughilfen von Onyx gibt es 3 unterschiedliche Stärken. Je nachdem, ob du Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener/Profi bist, stehen verschiedene Modelle zur Auswahl.

Leder wird normalerweise in Unzen gemessen. Eine Unze entspricht 1/64 eines Zolls Dicke. Ein Gewicht von 7 bis 8 oz. bedeutet also, dass das Leder 7/64 (0,28 mm) bis 8/64 (0,32 mm) Zoll dick ist. 

Pflege: Echtes Leder verlangt Pflege, um es vor Schweiß und den harten mechanischen Einflüssen des Trainings zu schützen. 

Es empfiehlt sich die Zughilfen in einem Abstand von ca. 2 Monaten mit einem trockenen Tuch und 2-3 Tropfen ONYX ÖL einzureiben.

7-8 oz. (0,28 – 0,32 mm) Riemen

Geeignet für fortgeschrittene und vorallem Profi Athleten, die regelmäßig schwerste Lasten heben.

5-6 oz. (0,2 – 0,24 mm) Riemen

Die gebräuchlichste Riemendicke, am besten für fast alle Athleten, die leichte bis schwere Lasten heben, geeignet. Gerade wenn du nicht sicher bist, welche Dicke am besten für dich ist, solltest du die 5-6 oz. wählen. Sie sind in verschiedenen Farben und Texturen erhältlich.

3-4 oz. (0,1 – 0,15 mm) Riemen – Die schmalste Riemendicke, am besten für Athleten geeignet, die leichte bis mittelschwere Lasten bewegen.


Find the best strap for you

Lifting Straps come in all fabrics, sizes, and styles.
Lifting straps made of leather are the most comfortable option, as they avoid chafing and calluses on the wrist that can occur with other materials. Another advantage of leather straps is their durability, because they last for several years. While the leather will stretch slightly with use, it will not fray due to the knurling of the barbell like other fabrics. Straps made of cotton or other non-leather materials can be broken after 6 to 12 months.


Even though the advantages of leather in lifting straps predominate, Onyx also offers a cloth strap. Especially for vegans a real alternative to leather straps. Onyx does not rely on cotton, like most manufacturers but makes its HEMP Straps from hemp webbing. Why? Because it is three times more resistant than cotton and is also naturally antimicrobial.


Onyx lifting straps are available in 3 different strengths. Depending on whether you are a beginner or advanced/professional, there are different models to choose from.

Leather is usually measured in terms of ounces. One ounce equals 1/64th of an inch thickness. Thus, a weight of 7 to 8 oz. means the leather is 7/64th to 8/64th of an inch (0,28 – 0,32 mm) thickness. 

Care: Genuine leather requires care to protect it from sweat and the harsh mechanical effects of training.

It is recommended to occasionally use 2-3 drops of ONYX OIL on the outside with a dry cloth at an interval of about 2 months.

7-8 oz. (0,28 – 0,32 mm) Straps

Suitable for advanced and especially professional athletes who regularly lift the heaviest loads.

5-6 oz. (0,2 – 0,24 mm) Straps

The most common strap thickness. Suitable for almost all athletes lifting light to heavy loads. If you aren’t sure which thickness to get, his is the one for you. Comes in the largest variety of color and texture options.

3-4 oz. (0,1 – 0,15 mm) Straps – The narrowest strap thickness, best suited for athletes moving light to medium loads.